Monday, December 27, 2010


So today I was in an establishment with Sabers. We overhead a gentlemen as one of the owners (we just know this) if there were hiring. We then overheard her telling him that they were and how tired she was because they didn't have enough staff, etc.

20 minutes pass.

30 minutes pass.

I ask her in the same setting and with similar enthusiasm if they are hiring. She replies. "Actually we're not."

Now I'm going to not go into more details or continue to rant about my curiosity of why the story changed *cough*( because you're a bald girl ) *cough* because I don't really feel like getting all worked up and over analyzing it until my brain pops.

Instead I'm gonna have movie night with the most important men on Earth.



Saturday, December 11, 2010

2010 Can SUCK it!!

The only nice thing about 2010 is that I got the hell out of Klamath Falls. Denver is nice and all but it's a huge pain in the ass for me to get a job as I have no support network for my kiddos here and the hours I will be working (eventually when I find employment) will force me to either leave my children alone to put themselves to bed or to get up and find they're own way to school. This is so unacceptable on so many levels and there is nothing I can do about it.
My divorce is still not finalized and we've been separated for eons. Why the fuck is it so easy to get married and so difficult to get divorced?
Currently Sunshine is M.I.A. having only said "I'll be back" at 10:30 pm last night. Hopefully he had to work a double and is already at work so that he doesn't end up fired for not showing up to his regular schedule at 1:15 pm today ... since he hasn't been back I'm guessing that's not going to happen. After all he would need a uniform.
I have a huge house to clean before our inspection. I need to start vlogging again. Such a good way to vent my frustrations, why did I ever stop?