Monday, October 26, 2009

It's been a while

It seems as though I have fallen completely off my rocker, but I think it's a medication compliance issue. I sleep for days on end, I go for days on end. I'm labile as hell and no one can fix this for me although all seem to have noticed.
I met a man. I like the man. I met a boy. I like the boy. I've decided I don't think I'm ready to date.
The nenes and I have been participating in a haunted house. It's fun & therapeutic.
Going to the gym CANNOT be considered an option, rather a MUST.
I need to get my shit together pronto before I completely fuck up the whole term. I'm working on it. It's a slow process.
I suddenly know more people than I know what to do with - it's strange after four years of not being allowed to have friends. I think I enjoy it.