Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Psycho Dreams

So last night I was dreaming that I was approaching a mall somewheres and I saw Ali and her husband sitting on a bench outside it. Ali yelled to me but she hollered the wrong name and I stopped several feet away and pretended to not hear her. I was waiting for her to realize that she'd called out the wrong name when I looked up and saw Leon heading out of the mall. He was walking right towards me. We stared at each other and I suddenly slow motion fell backward. He passed me as I lay on the ground staring up. Neither of us said a word.
The next day in my dream I read the paper to find that Leon and Leigh had been killed in a car accident during a snow storm. I was said and worried about their baby. I wished I had said something.
What a trip.

Friday, February 12, 2010

let the betting begin!

I have done this once before, sworn off men for 12 months, & it's time to do it again. I made it 9 months the last time. I am just not mentally prepared for the baggage that comes with relationships so here I go again. feel free to take a stab at how long I can make it...